As you walk along this bridge of self empowerment, Live By Our Codes offers inspiring, educational, mentoring where each step moves you forward from where you are now to where you most desire to be. We focus on person-centred, solution-focused techniques that support you to transform vulnerabilities and currently perceived limitations, by reframing these which awaken gifts of self belief into a new level of self mastery for you to recognize the real YOU.
Support is offered through a loving intent as you explore and draw upon these newly discovered inner resources and a wellbeing that overflows into the gratitude of service extended into the world including Mother Nature. You'll discover here on this bridge a more harmonized world that aligns with YOU, providing navigational wisdom that once followed becomes more reciprocated.

Unlock Your Potential
I AM asked, what it is that I'm offering and how does this reconnection with ourselves happen? Through adjusting to the reality I woke up to, as my former brain and sense of self faded away, I was unable to function as I had before this acquired brain injury. I was constantly being faced with a paralysis of fear or a choice to surrender into each of these terrifying moments, as my new brain attempted to decode what I was living through to make sense of it all. The choice of surrender, awakened me to a new reality of what now could be, at such a crossroads in life. More of what I speak of here, can be explored in the downloadable e - book, A Transcendent Vision From The Inside Out.
A new way of inner mastery is your potential too, as I offer to unconditionally share the synergy of professional wellness credentials that work best for you.
I'm offering to support you in your own discovery of what matters most to you with a grace and humility through compassionate ways that awaken our awareness to our highest potential with a grace and ease.
You become your own master that then leads the way in your own life.
I work one-on-one with individuals and teams, facilitating a new way of inner mastery as I unconditionally share my compassionate expertise. These sessions allow for deep self-exploration and a re-connection with your highest potential and wellbeing. Together we reframe areas of your life to live in more harmony and balance as you grown into becoming your own best asset.
Memberships are offered where regular meetings are attended in groups of up to 7 members. These group sessions create an empowering space, where participants connect with one another, sharing their journeys and awakening to who they really are as they rewrite their stories.
We explore what is foundational to the creation of Live By Our Codes.
Vedic Astrology
I also provide consultations that provide knowledge about you and your overall map of life through the lens of Vedic Astrology. We explore who you are and your purposeful presence here in life. As you integrate these new truths your life provides powerful ways to access the inner loving consciousness you truly are.

Rewrite Your Story

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